Scholarships in Adelaide offer a method to circumvent financial issues, but they are very daunting to students and parents alike.

Budding tutors are experienced in scholarship exam structure and techniques; this is demonstrated by Budding’s students having saved over $60,000 in school fees through scholarships.



The primary goal of a Budding tutor is to give the student an understanding of what the scholarship exam will ask for. Our tutors have studied these exams, and know how the most successful students approach them. Knowledge of the structure of the exam and its questions will allow a Budding student to answer questions efficiently and effectively.



This is the key difference between students with a tutor and those without. Scholarship exams are often the first exam a child will take, and unprepared students may feel stressed and uncomfortable. Familiarity with the exam structure and question types will give students a foundation of confidence when entering the exam. However, Budding students know why the examiners structure their exams and questions the way they do. Budding tutors encourage students to put themselves in the shoes of the exam writers, and this puts our students in the best possible position to receive a scholarship.



Continuing to work on exam-style questions is vital for student success. Budding tutors continue to guide and coach students through practice exams and specific questions, to encourage them to think critically about each question. The more experienced our students are, the more successful they will be.


Contact Us

Inquire about a lesson with a tutor at our Contact Us page.

To contact us directly, call us on 0477 549 569. Email us at